Olga María Alegre de la Rosa

Call for Chapters: Instilling Diversity and Social Inclusion Practices in Teacher Education and Curriculum Development


Olga Alegre de la Rosa, University of La Laguna, Spain
Luis Villar, University of Seville, Spain

Call for Chapters

Proposals Submission Deadline: September 29, 2021
Full Chapters Due: January 27, 2022
Submission Date: January 27, 2022


The idea of diversity and social inclusion has become a common approach in the planning and management of primary, secondary and higher education schools in many international contexts. The scientific literature points out, however, the challenges regarding the frontiers of diversity and social inclusion. The main objectives of this book are the following: (1) to provide an analysis of educational inclusion practices, (2) to identify university students’ voices on diversity and social inclusion, (3) to assess teachers’ performance in an international online training context, (4) to promote a model of curriculum development on diversity and social inclusion, and (5) to assess university students’ attitudes on diversity and social inclusion. Knowledge of these conceptual nuances is useful for educators as they face the challenges of diversity and social inclusion practice.


• to explore the perception of elementary school teachers about inclusive education practices. • to gather the voices of student teachers undertaking a master’s programme on diversity and social inclusion • to assess performance of diversity and social inclusion teachers in an online inservice training international context • to propose a holistic diversity and social inclusion model for curriculum and classroom development • to assess cultural diversity and social inclusion attitudes among undergraduates

Target Audience

• This proposed book addresses the topical issue of diverse and social inclusion for fostering professional competencies in a target audience of education students and teachers and social workers. • Use of diversity and social inclusion experiences to develop students’ critical thinking skills in the college context and teachers´ competencies in the school system

Recommended Topics

Table of Contents Part One. Diversity and Social Inclusion: An Active Agenda 1. Toward a more inclusive society 2. The reality of self-contained social inclusive classrooms 3. The making of diverse schools 4. Strategies for presuming competence in the inclusive school 5. Preparing digital materials for diversity and social inclusion practices Part Two. In-Service Professional Development and Learning of Teachers Implementing Diversity and Social Inclusion Education 6. Learning environment, diversity, social inclusion and teacher education 7. Student teachers´ beliefs and attitudes towards diversity and social inclusion 8. Impact of culturally competent teachers on their students´ academic achievement 9. Enhancing teacher leadership for collaborative networks 10. Assessing diversity and social inclusion practice and development Part Three. Diversity and Social Inclusion Across Borders 11. European views of master programs in diversity and social inclusion education 12. An online master of diversity and social inclusion in Italy 13. Diversity and social inclusion policies in Poland 14. Assessing diversity and social inclusion policies in Romania 15. Attitudes of teachers towards diversity and social inclusion in Spain

Submission Procedure


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before September 29, 2021, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by October 13, 2021 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.Full chapters are expected to be submitted by January 27, 2022, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at https://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/ prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Instilling Diversity and Social Inclusion Practices in Teacher Education and Curriculum Development. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.

All proposals should be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery® online submission manager.



This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), an international academic publisher of the «Information Science Reference» (formerly Idea Group Reference), «Medical Information Science Reference,» «Business Science Reference,» and «Engineering Science Reference» imprints. IGI Global specializes in publishing reference books, scholarly journals, and electronic databases featuring academic research on a variety of innovative topic areas including, but not limited to, education, social science, medicine and healthcare, business and management, information science and technology, engineering, public administration, library and information science, media and communication studies, and environmental science. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit https://www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2023.


Important Dates


September 29, 2021: Proposal Submission Deadline
October 13, 2021: Notification of Acceptance
January 27, 2022: Full Chapter Submission
March 27, 2022: Review Results Returned
May 8, 2022: Final Acceptance Notification
May 22, 2022: Final Chapter Submission


Olga Alegre de la Rosa University of La Laguna oalegre@gmail.com Luis Villar University of Seville mvillar@us.es



Education; Media and Communications; Social Sciences and Humanities
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