Olga María Alegre de la Rosa

Teachers’ and hearing and speech specialists’ attitudes towards and knowledge of sustainable inclusive education for students using hearing devices

Olga María Alegre de la Rosa & Luis Miguel Villar Angulo

To cite this article: Olga María Alegre de la Rosa & Luis Miguel Villar Angulo (2021): Teachers’ and hearing and speech specialists’ attitudes towards and knowledge of sustainable inclusive education for students using hearing devices, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2021.1938711

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2021.1938711


This study analysed the teachers and hearing and speech specialists’ (HSSs) attitudes towards and knowledge of sustainable inclusive education for children with hearing loss in the Canary Islands. The study sample comprised 297 teachers and HSSs. The authors designed the Inclusion Questionnaire (InQ). It was found that teachers and HSSs’ attitudes and knowledge centred on seven attitudes: sustainable professional development, self- efficacy in teaching competencies, inclusive leadership, assistive electronic technology, challenges around family involvement, embedding and sustaining reflexive practice, and technological usability and universal accessibility. The alpha coefficient for the total InQ was .841. These InQ factors have been developed with reliability and logical validity. There were differences in items under three factors among female and male teachers and HSSs. Teachers and HSSs also showed differences in the variables of age, work experience, and professional experience with students using hearing devices. Recommendations for inclusive values and sustainable educational change are suggested.

To cite this article: Olga María Alegre de la Rosa & Luis Miguel Villar Angulo (2021): Teachers’ and hearing and speech specialists’ attitudes towards and knowledge of sustainable inclusive education for students using hearing devices, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2021.1938711

teachers’ and hearing and speech


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Un pensamiento sobre “Teachers’ and hearing and speech specialists’ attitudes towards and knowledge of sustainable inclusive education for students using hearing devices

  1. Sofía Pérez Fernández

    Tras la lectura analítica del documento investigador, resulta ‘interesante’ la postura adoptada por maestros de la etapa primaria en cuanto a adoptar medidas inclusivas en el aula se refiere, puesto que gran parte del equipo docente se posiciona en contra de las mimas, y otra gran porcentaje adopta una actitud pasiva ante la necesidad manifiesta de tener en cuenta e incluir en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje a los/as alumnos/as con necesidades especiales. Otro aspecto que resulta conveniente resaltar, es el empoderamiento mencionado en la investigación y su relación con la autonomía que otorga el mismo, a los componentes del sistema educativo. Centrar la educación en los educandos se torna primordial y para ello es necesario tenerlos en cuenta, tanto a ellos como a sus capacidades, habilidades y necesidades, haciendo especial hincapié en estas últimas para lograr un aprendizaje integral.

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